  • Children smiling
  • Music Student smiling
  • Group of Young Adults

Donate to MoMM

Why we do what we do (and why we ask you to support it).

Music. It is part of our innermost fabric and our collective identity. It unleashes our talents. It helps us listen, hear, think, create, express, connect, move and play. In 2000, we set out to create a museum space that would share the power of music from the perspective of its most essential aspect—the making of it. From the people who design and make the instruments, to those that teach, learn and use them to create our musical landscape, we work every day to communicate the possibilities of music making… to everyone.

Since opening, over 570,000 visitors have come through our doors, of which 60,000 are young students; our volunteers have donated 123,000 hours of service; our 800 artifact lenders and donors have provided over 1,500 instruments for all to see; we have infused music into the classrooms of 1,800 students from low-income families. This year alone we welcomed 41,000 visitors and 8,540 schoolchildren. We provided free transportation and admission to 3,751 deserving students and provided 1,000 community members with free music making opportunities.

And here’s one more number: $100,000.

It takes $100,000 to cover the cost of our educational and outreach programs for one year.

So, we ask you. If music has touched you, and if you believe in the positive impact music can have on others, please be our partner in raising this amount. Please make a financial commitment—no matter how big or small—to our Play it Forward annual giving campaign.

Unique to a nonprofit, the staff salaries at the Museum of Making Music are entirely subsidized by NAMM, enabling 100% of gifts to be allocated directly to programs.  You can be confident in knowing all of your donations are having a direct impact on participants.

So please give...whatever it may be!

Have questions about donating or making a legacy gift?  Please contact us at (760) 304-5820.

cause tour

Title One Field Trip Program

Over 9,000 students tour the Museum of Making Music annually. Through the Title One Field Trip Program, the Museum provides free admission and covers all transportation costs for over 4,500 of these students each year who come from schools where 92% of students live below the poverty level. 

cause adult

Adult Band & Orchestra Programs

Through the Museum’s band and orchestra programs, over 350 adult amateur musicians enhance their lives each week through progressive skill building, engagement with peers, and fulfilling musical engagement in a supportive, non-competitive environment.